



步骤1:必须在GET移动应用程序中提交经批准的照片. Navigate to the Settings tab and select "Update Photo" being sure to select a passport-style photo that meets all 照片要求. 一旦赌博十大靠谱软件的工作人员审核,您将收到一封电子邮件至您的@spu.Edu电子邮件地址,通知您您的照片是否被批准.

步骤2:数码的 猎鹰卡申请表格 必须完成. 

步骤3最后你需要 安排约会 与猎鹰卡服务公司联系,接收您的信用卡. (Note that you must be signed in to O365 with your SPU username and password to access the Bookings site.)


Some form of valid government-issued photo identification is required to obtain your first Falcon Card. 护照, 驾驶执照, 军事id, 状态标识, 或其他类似的政府签发的带照片的身份证明表格均可接受. Please contact us if you are unsure whether or not your form of identification will be accepted. 


作为你的正式校园标识,所有猎鹰卡必须显示你的合法姓名. 然而, you are welcome to report a preferred name in Banner to ensure that name is displayed in many publicly facing places. 有关如何在Banner中选择首选名称的说明,请参阅CIS的Wiki页面 更改系统显示名称.


如果您的猎鹰卡丢失或被盗,您应立即登录您的 猎鹰卡账户 然后在右侧菜单中选择“我丢失了我的卡片”. This temporarily deactivates your card and prevents it from being used maliciously when out of your possession. 如果您确定卡不见了,赌博十大靠谱软件可以给您补办一张卡,费用是25美元. If you think you may be able to locate your card you can utilize the GET app version of your card which allows access to your meal plan only at most dining locations until you find the physical card. If your lost card is found it can be marked as found in the GET app and resume use as long as a replacement card has not been issued. 标记为发现, 登录您的猎鹰卡帐户,从右侧菜单中选择“我找到了我的卡”. 您也可以致电206-281-2693或 falconcards@volamdolong.com.


步骤1: Note that the current photo on file (as submitted and approved in the GET Mobile app) will be used when printing a card. 如果你想要一张新照片在你的替换猎鹰卡上, 确保提交一张新照片并等待批准,然后再进行第二步.

步骤2:完成一个数字 猎鹰卡申请表格. Please be sure you mark Replacement Falcon Card and note that your SFS student 账户 will be charged the replacement card fee.

步骤3安排约会 与猎鹰卡服务公司联系领取您的补卡. 


你的猎鹰卡芯片上存储的唯一信息是你的名字和SPU ID号. 您的卡上不会存储其他个人或财务信息.


No, 猎鹰卡作为您的身份证,其照片必须清晰, 圆脸的, 你的正面无遮挡视野. 你应该有一个自然的表情,眼睛睁着,直视前方. 微笑是允许的! 查看赌博十大靠谱软件的照片要求 在这里.

我的卡坏了/坏了/裂了/洗过了等. 我该怎么办??

Schedule a replacement card appointment with 猎鹰卡服务 then complete a 猎鹰卡申请表格 online requesting a replacement falcon card. Take your broken or damaged card to your appointment and a replacement card will be issued at a cost of $25(charged to your SFS Student Account).


No. 如果照顾得好,你的猎鹰卡将持续你在SPU的整个时间. 如果您的卡损坏、丢失或被盗,您需要申请补办卡.

我在SPU有双重角色(教职员工和学生,或者教职员工和工作人员等).). 我可以得到两张猎鹰卡吗?

不行,一个人一次只能携带一张猎鹰卡. 赌博十大靠谱软件将您在SPU的每个角色称为“赞助人类型”,赌博十大靠谱软件的系统将它们按层次结构列出. 无论哪个角色在层次结构中处于较高的位置,都将是发给您的卡片.

如果你发现自己在SPU身兼两职, 请与猎鹰卡服务公司联系,以便赌博十大靠谱软件确定您是否需要新卡.


新照片可以上传到网上, 但只能作为换卡过程的一部分, 这需要25美元的费用. 请参阅上面的说明(“如果我的猎鹰卡丢失或被盗怎么办?”)?),以申领补领身份证.

您的猎鹰卡是用来识别身份的. 不要以任何方式篡改你的信用卡. 你的名字,我?.D. 号码和图片必须是可见的. If that information is not visible on your Falcon Card, it will not be accepted at campus locations.


如果你的猎鹰卡损坏了, 哪些会导致访问问题, you should first come to University 服务s to get a replacement card (这需要25美元的费用). 如果您的卡没有损坏,您将需要访问 安全与安保办公室 (OSS),以验证您的访问权限是否正确且处于活动状态. 所有访问都通过OSS进行管理.


是的. 您必须持有猎鹰卡才能进入格温公共食堂用餐计划. 您还需要您的猎鹰卡用餐计划访问所有其他用餐地点.


你的第一步是联系 书记官长办公室 在班纳更新你的名字. It takes 24 hours for Banner changes to take effect and for the change to be communicated to the Falcon Card system. 24小时后,您可以提交一份 猎鹰卡申请表格 在线和 安排更换卡的预约 免费获得新的猎鹰卡.


No! 你的卡片包含一个接近芯片和整个卡线圈布线. 在你的卡上打个洞可能会让它变得无用,而且你还需要花25美元来更换. The bookstore carries a variety of card holders for sale and we would encourage you to use one of those instead.

Can I leave my Falcon Card in my phone wallet or phone case while charging my phone on a wireless charger?

You should never leave your Falcon Card between your cell phone and wireless charger while charging. Manufacturers of wireless phone chargers warn against leaving anything between your phone and charger when in use as it may reduce performance or damage magnetic strips or RFID chips in some cards like your Falcon Card. They instruct users to remove items like these from their phone or case before placing on the charger. 请查阅您的无线充电器制造商的网站或手册以获取更多信息. Any damage to your Falcon Card deemed by 猎鹰卡服务 to have been caused by a wireless charger will result in the need for a replacement card at your cost.




猎鹰基金是斯坦福大学的官方校园货币, 这张卡可以在校园里的许多餐厅购买食物(免税)。, 或在书店购买非用餐物品, 邮件服务, 在校园附近的打印机/复印机, 在宿舍洗衣房, 在大多数校园自动售货机, 和户外娱乐项目(ORP) 学生会大楼. 看到 条款与条件 有关猎鹰基金的详细资料.


Falcon Funds can be added to your Falcon Card by logging into your Falcon Card 账户 and charging them to a credit card (Visa and MasterCard only, 费用适用)或您的 学生财务服务 账户. 猎鹰基金将立即出现在您的猎鹰卡上,并可以立即使用. 如果你把猎鹰基金打到你的社保账户上, 费用应在下一个工作日内出现在您的账户上.


是的! 从iTunes或Android商店免费下载“GET Mobile”应用程序. Please note that the app has very generic purchase information but all transactions made on the app are subject to our 条款与条件. 该应用程序可用于添加猎鹰基金,并跟踪猎鹰基金和膳食计划.




绝对. 他们可以在赌博十大靠谱软件的网站上点击“猎鹰卡帐户”的任何链接,并选择“家长”, 监护人或其他亲属的选择. From t在这里 they can add Falcon Funds to your Falcon Card using a credit card (Visa and MasterCard only, 费用申请).


这完全取决于学生. We suggest you think about all the services that take Falcon Funds and consider how often you will use them.





    如果你不知道 网上订购书籍, your parents may want to add Falcon Funds to your Falcon Card so you can buy books and school supplies. The bookstore will not accept a parent’s personal check or credit card unless the parent is present. 学生可以在网上研究图书价格,以确定他们可能需要多少猎鹰基金.


    如果你的餐费计划用完了, 或者如果你在街区计划,也想在零售地点吃饭, 你可以用猎鹰基金吃饭.


    零食和饮料 自动售货机 在公共区域和宿舍楼都有吗. 大多数人选择猎鹰基金.





    个人复印或使用校园内的多功能打印机打印, 你需要猎鹰基金. 注意: 学生可以获得免费的印刷学分. 在这里了解它们. 当印刷信用额度消失时,你将需要猎鹰基金. 



是的,您的第一张猎鹰卡是免费发放的. 只要你好好保养它,它应该会陪伴你度过整个SPU的时光. You can load Falcon Funds onto your card without fees by selecting the “Bill Me” option and then paying your SFS bill by check or cash. 一旦你与大学分离,你寻求退款是不收费的. 赌博十大靠谱软件所有的费用都与补卡有关, 临时卡, 信用卡费用, 哪些是可以避免的.


Your Falcon Card 账户 not only tracks Falcon Funds but also meal plans (weekly meal plan swipes, 餐厅美元, 和块计划使用),并可以提供余额和交易历史信息. “GET Mobile”应用程序还允许跟踪余额(见上文)。. 交易报告也可以亲自向大学服务办公室索取.


FERPA法律 禁止赌博十大靠谱软件提供有关学生账户或交易历史的信息. 你必须和你的学生一起工作来获得你需要的信息.


You may 要求退款 of any remaining Falcon Funds at any time within three years following your separation from the university (by graduating, 撤回, 或终止雇佣关系). 退款申请应发送至:

spu -猎鹰卡服务
第三大道3307号. W.312室

或者从SPU的电子邮件地址发送请求到 falconcards@volamdolong.com. 在您的请求中包括您的姓名,SPU ID号码和当前地址.

所有退款均以持卡人名义的支票或直接存款方式办理, 由大学决定. 支票将在申请退款后四周内寄出. 三年之后, 无人认领的猎鹰基金将作为无人认领的财产移交给华盛顿州. 猎鹰基金不可转让.

我的猎鹰卡上有很少的猎鹰基金余额. 我还能用吗?

是的! 请尽量在离开SPU之前花掉你的小额余额. 在任何使用收银机的地方(餐厅), 书店, 或者邮寄),你可以分开支付. This allows you to use up the balance on your Falcon Card and cover any shortage with cash or a credit card.

我的余额很低. 我应该要求退款吗?

任何数量的猎鹰基金, 不管多小, not claimed within three years of separation is considered abandoned property by Washington state, SPU需要经历一个漫长的过程来移交它们. 因此,赌博十大靠谱软件非常努力地清理所有账户,并将尝试与您联系. We have created an option for you to donate your balance to SPU (as a non-tax deductible donation). 赌博十大靠谱软件鼓励大家要么在离婚前用完所有的猎鹰基金, 要求退款, 或者捐出他们的余额, 不管多小.



在过去,SPU有单独的校园货币用于餐饮和非餐饮购买. In 2015, Falcon Funds were created to replace those two currencies and become the single official campus currency of SPU.


每周膳食计划, 阻止计划, 吃啤酒, 和用餐费是SPU膳食计划的一部分,由 住房和膳食计划服务. 访问他们的网站获取更多信息或电子邮件 mealplan@volamdolong.com 有问题的.


餐厅美元 are a part of weekly block meal plans and are only used for the purchase of food/meals at dining locations. 餐费适用于不同的条款和条件. Students on a weekly meal plan may still want to add Falcon Funds to their Falcon Cards because they have run out of 餐厅美元 and wish to purchase food/meals — or because they wish to use Falcon Funds for non-dining purchases.


通常这可以通过切换浏览器来解决. 赌博十大靠谱软件使用Firefox和Chrome的运气最好. ie浏览器不支持GET Funds. 如果您仍然有问题,请联系猎鹰卡服务 falconcards@volamdolong.com.



你知道的,父母总是有很多问题! 这很好,因为赌博十大靠谱软件有答案了!



找到SPU的方向, 到了这里,你就可以用校园地图和校园无障碍地图找到路.